Curvaceous Inc Launch.


I've been meaning to get these pictures up for what feels like forever! But as always everything else seems to have gotten on top of me! These pictures were taken by the lovely photographer for the night Tom Cotter. 
 It was a brilliant night and I think Curvaceous Inc will grow as a Magazine and I'm excited to see what the future holds for them! There is very few Magazines that show plus size women in positives lights so it's nice to add another one to the small selection. 

The catwalk during the launch was amazing, mainly due to the smoking hot models and lush clothes! I developed so many crushes that night and wishing my legs went up to my ears to, of course having a mum who is 4'11 means my legs will never be past my knees! All the models were really lovely too and realised we followed each other on twitter! I turned up to meet Becky at her hotel so we could go together Sian was also staying at the same place and let me just say it was SO NICE to finally meet this girl! Total babe.  The lovely Naomi also joined us once she finished work, which was a pleasure as always!

I wore this cute dress from Simply Be (which I'll be reviewing soon) leather jacket from Dorothy Perkins. My trusty belt from Asos Curve, Matalan leggings and my beloved Primark flatforms, which I somehow managed to fall off just trying to get my train ticket out of the machine... I think that just proves that I will never be graceful! My lips were in Rimmel Apocolips Big Bang, amazing colour but when topped up began to bleed definitely need lip liner on when wearing this!


Plus Size Work Wear Challenge - 2 in 1!


Coat: c/o Matalan. Pinafore: Primark. Pussy Bow Blouse: M&Co. Lipstick: Max Factor -Ruby Tuesday.

This is my #PSWorkwear challenges Week 2 and 3 as due to having a procedure last week and it taking a long time to feel even half like myself (which I still don't) the thought of trying to get in front of the camera wasn't a nice one, so I hope you all forgive me! Our second challenge was "Pencil Skirt or Pussy Bow" and our third was "Out Of Your Comfort Zone".

So as you u can just about see I went for Pussy bow for the first part challenge as I've had this shirt for a long time but constantly put off wearing it. I can't decide if it was due to the colour or how I bought a size up and it's too big really but it's so comfortable and will be lovely for work with jeggings and converse once it isn't freezing cold! Now for the second part the whole outfit is something that is/was out of my comfort zone back when I started this blog. I never used to wear bright colours or coats in any colour other than back either. The pinafore is new and something I love and have wanted in my wardrobe for ages ( thank you primark!) but I feel again I should of sized down to and 18 in this as it's pretty stretchy and quite baggy. It's also in need of altering because of me being short so it fits a little better thankfully this is something I can do easily!

While I was at it I thought I'd take some pictures with my glasses on for a change, after breaking my beloved Gok Wan frames (sob) I'm back to my back up pair I got to review last year. I do genuinely need glasses to see with on a daily basis unfortunately they also look like "geek glasses" so I often get asked if I actually need them or just wear them to look cool. I know I've been very unorganised with these challenge posts but I was never one to stick to timetables so I am trying to keep it up but I struggle to get pictures quite often! Ps, sorry about the dodgy smiling, best from a bad bunch!


Matalan Fashion Sense - Kats Closet.


Hello Lovely people I do realise I'm totally behind with the #PSWorkwear Challenges but I will get mine up tomorrow I promise! But anyway this is just a post to let you know that I can finally tell you what I was up to in london before Christmas! I filmed with Kat Byrne the Style Editor of Closer Magazine for her online show Kats Closet which in collaboration with Matalan and ITV This Morning (I think). So basically I was lucky enough to be asked to be her guest on the Plus Size Fashion segment, which was so much fun! I'm proud I did this and I know I may of come across a little bit shy but I was just pretty nervous as hell, when it comes to blogging I normally have all my blogger babes right by my side but this was just me on my own so apologies if I look abit like a rabbit in headlights! All the clothes were lovely and I got to pick my own and it was all on my opinions and decisions before you worry that I was made to say/do anything I wasn'y at all really.You can check out Matalan's blog post on it here.

This was also featured on the ad breaks during ITV This Morning, which was exciting and weird! Please excuse my facial expression in the above picture I was in mid sentence and just love closing my eyes! Below are the images of the teeny bit on it which was in Closer Magazine this week! I'm just pretty proud of this and really hope this isn't coming across bigheaded but I'm not I'm just happy I was asked and wanted to share it with you all as if it wasn't or my blog and people reading it I would have never got this opportunity! 


All I Need This Valentines... (And a Little Giveaway)


As it's Valentines day today doing my usual thing of choosing the names for the 20 cats that will live with me after I'm officially past it. Though this year instead of spending my evening crying into the Twilight Saga (yes I'm one of those people) I thought I'd break my tradition and see what Blinkbox had to offer. I was lucky enough to be asked if I fancied trying them out along with there special limited edition "aphrodisiac" popcorn, now I can't say whether these aphrodiaic powers worked or not... #foreveralone but the popcorn definitly tasted good!

Incase you have no idea what Blinbox is you can find that on there website, but basically you can watch movies onlines online as well as TV series to, I actually saw Girls up while I was browsing the site and if any of you haven't watched it yet, where have you been hiding because you need to! Anyway I digress I actually found it really easy to search through everything and I rented two movies just if you're wondering which ones I ordered to watch I'll tell you Ruby Sparks which I'd watched the trailer to a few times in the past but just never got round to watching and Hick which I purely chose because it has eddie redmayne in it and currently that man can do no wrong in my eyes, to be honest all I needed this Valentines was him in a Cowboy hat.

Now if you wish to try out blinkbox and the "aphrodisiac" popcorn for yourself all you need to do to enter is Follow my blog on GFC and follow @blinkbox  and tweet them with who they would like to share Valentines popcorn with, and why. Leave a comment below with your tweet in too so I can see it then I'll use a generator like or something to choose the winner! Simples!

And if you haven't guessed it by now I'd share my popcorn with Eddie though I doubt there would be any left by the time he came round. 

Also if this alone doesn't make you want to enter surely my face below virtually vacuuming the popcorn up will!


Laura Lee Jewellery


An engraved personal message on a coin necklace cast from antique small change; an assemblage of pastel-coloured sapphire gems, prismatic nuggets that separate beams of light into a spectrum of colour; gold-plated rings with calligraphic flourishes that spell out touching messages: these are constitutive of the delicate eclecticism of Laura Lee’s jewellery designs. The label’s eponym, Laura Lee, was first attuned to the wonder of jewellery from her mother’s ‘amazing charm bracelet’ that she used to adore when she was a little girl. ‘Borrowing’ this bracelet at regular intervals, Laura Lee has at her design core an inspiration from personal objects that are laden with sentimentality. Following her nomadic family through the rich scenery of Asia, Europe and Australia, Laura Lee mixed this pull towards the sweet and the heartfelt with a palpable sense of wanderlust, with what can be seen in far flung galleries, museums and markets. Her passion for the exotic beads and trinkets from her travels was to know no bounds.

Laura Lee launched her jewellery label in 1985 and has since been lauded for blending the seasonal trends of Fashion Weeks with a structural and aesthetic purity that devotes itself to the use of natural gemstones. The result is a stunning collection of contemporary pieces that does not dismiss an everlasting appeal. While her designs are stocked in some of the world’s eminent boutiques and department stores, including Harrods, Le Bon Marché and Barneys New York, Laura Lee opened her own boutique in 2004. In the heart of Covent Garden, the store is a veritable treasure trove, whose window displays are as beautifully creative as the jewels onto which they offer a gleaming, transparent aperture. Wanderlust is transformed into windowlust, with the window having undergone a tattoo processed that  the store team have affectionately branded ‘Pretti Graffiti’. Whimsical messages past and that have decorate the bracelets, rings and necklaces inside past and present have been hand drawn onto the window for browser’s pleasure. 

the Laura Lee Shop Window.

For Spring/Summer ’13, the label create pieces with ‘The Girl with the Kaleidoscope Eyes’ in mind. As the title suggests, the collection boasts a delicate sequence of gems that refract light into a spectrum of colour and geometric shapes that add a directional structure to rings and necklaces. Once more, Laura Lee drew inspiration from her adventures abroad for this kaleidoscopic collection. The luxuriant atmosphere of the Rajasthani Palace, with its powder-puff sapphires and hexagonal landscaping, both feature in pieces such as the lilac sapphire multi-gem bracelet, large moonstone earrings and engraved hexagon necklaces. while the allure of amber in pendants and drop earrings was inspired by the intense cultural magnificence of the Amber Palace in Jaipur. A fresh and minimal look is thus evoked for 2013.

A bevy of celebrities have fallen for Laura Lee’s charmingly eclectic pieces. Anna Friel, Keira Knightley and Alexa Chung have all been accessorising their looks with the label’s designs . Alexa Chung, so pleased with a Laura Lee piece, took to twitter to announce her love for her new horse cameo ring, in a social media move that gives the label the ultimate seal of approval from the BFA’s Most Stylish Woman of the Year, no less. The press, too, have been quick to style their shoots with Laura Lee pieces. The October edition of Vogue saw Cheryl Cole on the front cover wearing a pearl ring from the label. It is no matter of coincidence that this number was called the ‘Pure Style’ issue. 

Picture tweeted by Alexa Chung with the Pony ring -Cheryl Cole wearing Laura Lee pearl ring in 'Pure Style' issue of Vogue.

Charlotte Rivington is a freelance writer and enjoys writing about fashion and sharing her experiences as she travels through the depths of the world, exposing her adventures whilst in search for her clothing. For more about the latest styles of Shoreditch fashion please visit  

All Images curetscy of Laura Lee or Laura Lee Press.
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